Diskussion:La Popolare
Hello, i suppose you did a little mistake in the title. The actual name of the machine is "La Popolare" (two O, no U).
>> Thanks, I changed name!
I could change this page, but i'm not able to change all crossing references.
>> o.k.
I found a little Ad of this machine on the "Catalogo Ufficiale" of the "Fiera di Milano" in 1922. Producer was P.E. Gallo in Milano(Italy).
>> Thanks, added
The machine was patented in decimal version and in english-currency version.
Here you can find an image of the english version and a scan of my ad:
You can insert in RL both images. The scan is my own.
The owner of the site gave me the authorization to put the image of the machine in RL.
>> Thanks, added
Ad says what "more than a million of such machines are in use" but is not common to find a such machine :-)
My guess is what it was the italian version of another famous machine.
What machine? A spanish "PopUlare"? What do you think? Andrea
>> I think that number is not correct:
>>-The only "big" producer before Addiator was Troncet (probably 100,000 ?)
>>-Troncets have been better! (ten's carry)
>>-Addiator needed more than 10 years for 1 million items! (1920 - 1930)
>>-So I think there did not exist "more than 1 million" of machines like this in 1922
>>Do you have Italian Patent:IT174149 ? (Not in ESPACENET) From when?