Patent: | DE 37922 |
Title: | Rechenapparat |
Date: | 25.06.1886 |
Place: | Vecoux (Frankreich) |
Country: | Germany |
Person: | Philippe Claudel |
Company: | |
Internal Links: | Analogrechner |
Keywords: | |
Link to the patent office: (without guarantee) | DE37922 |
DE | EN | FR | IT |
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image patent |
Patent: | DE 37922 |
Title: | Rechenapparat |
Date: | 25.06.1886 |
Place: | Vecoux (Frankreich) |
Country: | Germany |
Person: | Philippe Claudel |
Company: | |
Internal Links: | Analogrechner |
Keywords: | |
Link to the patent office: (without guarantee) | DE37922 |