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Pike Material


1 Materialsammlung für Pike

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2 Aus Zeitschriften

3 Aus Büchern


Pike (aus Schack 1914; OCR)

4 Eigene Texte

Beitrag von Michael Hancock in "CALCLIST-L":

The Pike machines were first produced by The Pike Adding Machine Company in 1904. Located in Orange, New Jersey. They were taken over in 1909 by Burroughs who continued the production in the Pike facility for some time before bringing it into their plant in Detroit. The Pike machine had 4 models, the "S", "E", "N", and "T". The differences in the models were the number of columns. The all seem to have had 12 inch movable carriages, repeat, non-add, total, and sub-total keys. Visible total dials, and separate column release buttons at the top of the keyboard. The Pike name was on the case. Pictures are hard to come by - I have never known of an example of the Pike unit. Burroughs called their version of the Pike the Class 3, or Model 300 machines. They continued to be sold until the mid 1920's when the Burroughs Class 8 portable machines were introduced.
(s. auch  http://www.xnumber.com/xnumber/hancock7.htm)

5 Maschinen und Geräte

6 Literatur

7 Weblinks

8 Anmerkungen


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