ACCA Addicalco
1 Maschinendaten
Modell............: Addicalco
Hersteller*.......: ACCA (Addizionatrici, Calcolatrici, Contabile e Affini)
Ort, Land.........: Milano, Italien
Rechnertyp........: Simplexmaschine
Maße (LxBxH)......:
Maße (LxBxH)......:
Stellen (EWxUWxRW): 8x9, 10x11, 12x13
Eingabe mit.......: Volltastatur
Ausgabe mit.......: Anzeigeeinrichtung
Antrieb...........: Tastenantrieb
System............: Schaltschwinge
Produziert........: von 1946 bis 1968(?)
2 Beschreibung
Besonderheiten....: Nur Addition; (Ergänzungszahlen)
3 History
After WW2, ACCA bought old tool press gear used for the Comptometer model 'J' and started Addicalco production. Then first 1946 model was quite identical to Comptometer J, looking at image only cleanig lever differs. In following models some improvements was added. AER model has a shape similar to Comptometer M. Model 66 introduced a mechanism called Comprex to graduate pressing on keys.
In 1988 company changed his name in Addicalco Concessionaria S.r.l. and it is still existing.
4 Varianten
Model............: 46/47
Capacity.........: 8x9, 10x11, 12x13
Drive............: Manual key driven
Case.............: similar to Comptometer J
.................: see: [1]
Production years.: since 1946 until 1948(?)
Seriennummern....: 101811
Model............: 49 AER
Capacity.........: 8x9, 10x11, 12x13
Drive............: Manual key driven
Case.............: new case, simplified subtraction, small keys
Production years.: since 1949 until 1953(?)
Serial numbers...: 104974, 104975.
Model............: 60
Capacity.........: 8x9, 10x11, 12x13
Drive............: Manual key driven
Case.............: new big keys
Production years.: since 1949 until 1953(?)
Serial numbers...: 107531, 107532, 107535, 107536, 107537, 107539
Model............: 66
.................: as model 60, + "Comprex"
Capacity.........: 10x11; 12x13
Production years.: since 1964 until ...
Serial numbers...:
Model............: 70
.................: double totalizer, direct subtraction (1954/55)
Capacity.........: 12x13
Drive............: electric
Case.............: new big keys
Production years.: since (1954) until
Serial numbers...:
Model............: 77
.................: 12x13; electric; double totalizer.
.................: as modell 70, + "Comprex
Production years.: (1968)
5 Literatur
- Blaue Liste 1969: bis 1966
- Hennemann 1953
- Brunsviga Liste 1958: div. Modelle
- IBE 1965
6 Patente
7 Weblinks
Historical images on Addicalco website
- C. Torchio