Abakus in Youtube
Abakus-Filme in Youtube
YouTube - (2nd issue): Abacus calculation of the Zu Chongzhi (...)
YouTube - 3G Abacus
YouTube - 3G Abacus - E learning sample clip
YouTube - 4 year old doing addition on an abacus
YouTube - A Short History of Computing
YouTube - abacus
YouTube - Abacus Addition
YouTube - Abacus Demo
YouTube - abacus man, the nerdiest kid in the world
YouTube - Abacus math
YouTube - Abacus Museum (student@work11)
YouTube - Abacus Museum (student@work3)
YouTube - Abacus Subtraction
YouTube - abacus time
YouTube - Abacus Trainers
YouTube - Abacus Vs. Calculator
YouTube - Amazing Abacus Math Video
YouTube - Americans Compete with Japanese Abacus
YouTube - Antique Japan Abacus - Soroban Wooden Calculating Tool
YouTube - Better than Brain Age
YouTube - Crazy Math at Insane Speed! MathSecret vs. Average Adult
YouTube - digital abacus_001
YouTube - Digital calculator in Singapore
YouTube - E Abacus beijing 2008 & iphone 3G vs calculator
YouTube - fingers arithmetic video 1
YouTube - Genius girl
YouTube - Ghost Abacus
YouTube - History of Computers
YouTube - History of computers
YouTube - Intelligent Abacus Mental Arithmetic (Part 1)
YouTube - Intelligent Abacus Mental Arithmetic (Part 2)
YouTube - Intelligent Abacus Mental Arithmetic (Part 3)
YouTube - Intelligent Abacus Mental Arithmetic (Part 4)
YouTube - Intelligent Abacus Mental Arithmetic (Part 5)
YouTube - Intelligent Abacus Mental Arithmetic (Part 6 )
YouTube - Intelligent Abacus Mental Arithmetic (Part 7)
YouTube - Intelligent Abacus Mental Arithmetic (Part 8)
YouTube - Intelligent Abacus Mental Arithmetic (Part 9-End)
YouTube - Intelligent Abacus Mental Arithmetic - 12 yrs old presented 12 digits 10 rows
YouTube - International Abacus Mental Arithmetic Competition 2008
YouTube - IOTA Indian Abacus
YouTube - iPhone Abacus
YouTube - Japanese Abacus Math School, Beaverton OR.
YouTube - Japanese children learn super-fast mathematics with abacus
YouTube - Japanese girl doing abacus
YouTube - Mental Arithmetic - Simple Calculation
YouTube - Shamanistic Tradition and Abacus
YouTube - soroban
YouTube - Soroban - All in the mind
YouTube - Soroban - parte 1
YouTube - Soroban - parte 2
YouTube - Soroban - parte 3
YouTube - Soroban - parte 4
YouTube - Stop Motion Abacus
YouTube - The Abacus - How to Use This Ancient Wonder
YouTube - The Abacus and Stonehenge
YouTube - Toddler counts 1-100 happily using an abacus
YouTube - UCMAS Abacus Mental Arithmetic Audio Visual
YouTube - Using the abacus
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