Gonnella Keyboard Adder
1 Maschinendaten
Modell............: Keyboard Adder
Hersteller*.......: Gonnella, Tito
Ort, Land.........: Florence, Italien
Maße (LxBxH)......: 20 x 30 x 18 cm (Grundkörper)
Gewicht...........: 300 g
Stellen (EWxUWxRW): 1 x 0 x 2
Eingabe mit.......: Reduced Keyboard
Antrieb...........: Keyboard
Löschung..........: Side Button
System............: Gears and racks
Material..........: Iron and Brass
Produziert........: 1859
2 Beschreibung
Beschreibung......: Small keyboard single column adder
Besonderheiten....: Helical Accumulator
Konstrukteur*.....: Gonnella, Tito
3 Literatur
- Gonnella, T., "Descrizione di due macchine aritmetiche per l'addizione immaginate e costrutte da Tito Gonnella, premiato all'esposizione universale di Londra del 1851 colla medaglia di 1. classe per l'invenzione della macchina da quadrare le superficie piane". Firenze, Tip. Calasanziana, (1859).
4 Patente
5 Weblinks
- Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza [
6 Seriennummern
- Seriennummern:
- Nummernlagen:
7 Allgemeine Anmerkungen
- The Gonnella's Keyboard Adder was one of the first keyboard-driven machines, after those by J-B. Schwilgué (1844), D.D. Parmelee (1850), V. Schilt (1851) and T. Hill (1857). It has a nine digit keyboard and the accumulator is an helical drum, up to a maximum sum of 599. Like other machine of this kind it was intended to add a single digit at a time (column adder), i.e. the unit column first, then the tens, the hundreds, and so on. Every partial sum had to be recorded on paper and the sum eventually performed. The only remaining specimen is collected at the "Institute and Museum of the History of Science" in Florence. In a letter to Prof. Corridi, dated 1857, he Gonnella states that his machines were already finished and operative.
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