Kistermann 2005
1 Bibliographische Daten
Daten*: Kistermann, Friedrich W.: Hollerith Punched Card System Development (1905-1913). In IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, Jan. 2005. pp 56 - 66
Kurzinfo*: Hollerith Lochkartensystem
2 Weitere Informationen
The author traces the development of the Hollerith tabulating machine, what is part of the Hollerith Punched Card system during the years 1905 until 1913, and describes the machine's applications of most interest to customers at that time. Hollerith added the plugboard for flexible wiring to his tabulating machine for different applications, as a result of customer demand.
3 Kommentare
Interessanter Artikel über die Entwicklung des Hollerith Lochkarten-Systems. Leider in Englisch. Muss gekauft werden
4 Links
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