Mozzoni's Adder
1 Maschinendaten
Modell............: Helical Adder
Hersteller*.......: Mozzoni, Giuseppe
Ort, Land.........: Milan, Italien
Stellen (EWxUWxRW): 1 x 1
Eingabe mit.......: Finger
Antrieb...........: Revolving Drum
Löschung..........: Lever
System............: Progressive revolutions
2 Beschreibung
Konstrukteur*.....: Mozzoni, Giuseppe
Designer..........: Mozzoni, Giuseppe
3 Literatur
- Collezione degli Atti delle Solenni Distribuzioni de Premj dIndustria fatte in Milano e Venezia dallanno 1840 al 1852, Vol VII Milano, Tip. G. Bernardoni, 1852, pag. 401, 426
4 Patente
5 Weblinks
6 Seriennummern
7 Allgemeine Anmerkungen
Ing. Giuseppe Mozzoni was a Milanese M.D. of the XIX century. He investigated several topics, like the silkworm growing, the use of magnetism in medicine, the cholera epidemics, the electricity and the daguerrotypes. In 1847 Mozzoni submitted to the Istituto Lombardo di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti a small and simple adder that was awarded the Silver Medal. This is a very elementary mechanism, based on a drum (turned by a finger) that made a cylinder to move along a helix, adding a single digit at a time. A clearing mechanism was provided. Its techonology his similar to that of the later invention by Hicks in 1894 (U.S.A) Patent:US528596.Seite eröffnet von: Silvio 16:25, 2. Gen 2008 (GMT)
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