Musina Pocket Adder
1 Maschinendaten
Modell............: Musina's Pocket Adder
Hersteller*.......: Musina, Opprandino
Ort, Land.........: Mondovì, Italien
Maße (LxBxH)......: 21 x 2,5 x 2,5 cm (Grundkörper)
Stellen (EWxUWxRW): 7 x 7
Eingabe mit.......: Finger
Löschung..........: None(?)
System............: Mustersystem
Produziert........: 1867
2 Beschreibung
Konstrukteur*.....: Musina, Opprandino
Designer..........: Musina, Opprandino
3 Literatur
- Exposition universelle de 1867 à Paris. Rapports du Jury international publiés sous la direction de M. Michel Chevalier. Paris : Imprimerie administrative de Paul Dupont, 1868. Vol. II, Gruppo II, Classe 12, Sezione 2°, pag. 536
- Report of the U.S. Senate Committee on the Paris Universal Exhibition. U. S. Serial Set : Number 1353, 40th Congress, 2nd Session, 1867, pag. 637-38
4 Patente
5 Weblinks
6 Seriennummern
7 Allgemeine Anmerkungen
Nothing is known about the life and work of Opprandino Musina, but that he was a watchmaker in Mondovì (Italy). His adder was shown at the Paris Universal Exhibition in 1867 and described in the above mentioned references (see Literature). The machine was operated setting the addend by the small levers on the dials in the front side. The result was read in the windows in the upper side. It had a carry mechanism, but not very reliable in the case of multiple cary (i.e. 99999 + 1).Seite eröffnet von: Silvio 15:57, 2. Gen 2008 (GMT)
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