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Olivetti Summa 19


Olivetti Summa 19 (SN: 2308502; Bild: Haertel)



1 Maschinendaten

Rechnertyp.......: Rechenmaschine, Zweispezies-Maschine
Hersteller.......: Olivetti
Modell...........: Summa 19
Designer.........: Sotsass, Ettore
Ort, Land........: Ivrea, Italien
Produziert.......: von 1970 bis ...

System...........: Zahnstange
Rechenwerk.......: Simplexmaschine
Stellenzahl......: 10 x 11
Eingabe mit......: Zehnertastatur
Ausgabe mit......: Druckwerk
Antrieb..........: Elektromotor
Löschen Eingabe..: manuell, gesamt / Hebel
Rechenablauf.....: ohne Automatik
Werteverarbeitung: 2-stufig

Farbe (n)........: Schwarz und Grün oder Schwarz und Weiß
Maße.............: 21 x 26 x 10 cm
Gewicht..........: 3,4 kg

2 Beschreibung

Besonderheiten...: Saldierend, Schreiben von Hinweiszahlen
Seriennummern....: 2308502, 4412969

In 1970, Natale Capellaro was retired since few years. Following a former Antares employee, Olivetti acquired rights on Antares Lei's tecnology and added a new beautiful case to produce Summa-19. Actually, mechanical devices are identical and Lei was introduced one year before Summa-19.

A 1983 Olivetti book (Design Process Olivetti 1908-1983) reports that ''Summa-19, first low-cost calculating-machine, has an all-plastic body. The plastic is not of high quality, nor is it particularly durable". Actually such a machine was intended to contrast new electronic calculators offering a "pop", nice and cheap mechanical adding machine. General quality level is far lower that usual Olivetti standards. In particular printing device and keyboard had to be often replaced.

3 Varianten

Summa 19-R......: Produced since 1971 and having a reduced capacity (8x9)

Also the reduced version "Summa-19-R" is intended to offer an always cheaper machine to the wider market possible.

This machine has been distributed also under different "private labels": in US by Sears, in Germany by Quelle, ... These labels can differ from name andr color. Original Olivetti machines was green and black (first version) or white and black (R version), Quelle machines was yellow and black, ...

4 Bilder


Commercial offer (1970)


Elettrosumma 19 (BZB 1970)

5 Literatur

6 Patente

7 Weblinks

8 Allgemeine Anmerkungen

Price in 1970 was 60.000 ITL, in this ad it's offered to buy it paying monthly 5.200 ITL.

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