Schroen, Ludwig
Ludwig Schrön (Heinrich Ludwig Friedrich Schroen)
(* 17. Feb. 1799 in Weimar, † 18. Mai 1875 in Jena)
1 Leben
1819 Studied Mathematics and Astronomy in Jena
1821 Observatory Jena, assistant of Director Friedrich Posselt (1794-1823)
1823 Leader of the observatory Jena
1824 Ph.D. in meteorology; was influenced by his friend Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749-1832)
1824 became assistant of Director Franz Xaver von Zach (1754-1832) at the observatory Seeberg near Gotha, working on astronomical calculations
1829 Director of the observatory in Jena
1834 Professor - teaching in different fields (mathematics, stoichiometry, surveying, metereology)
1835 published 3- and 5-place Logarithms
1845 got in touch with Verlagsbuchhandlung Friedrich Vieweg in Braunschweig for publishing a newly designed logarithmic table with 7 places (Schrön did not want to have it stereotyped and argued with the publisher - unsuccessfully - for years)
1846 Stöchiometrische Hilfstafeln (Stoichiometric Calculation Aids - with logarithms); Hannover
1860 Siebenstellige Gemeine Logarithmen der Zahlen von 1 bis 108000 und der Sinus, Cosinus, Tangenten und Cotangenten aller Winkel des Quadranten von 10 zu 10 Secunden - stereotyped in 3 tables; according to Prof. A. Gernerth, Vienna, who in 1863 checked the major tables of the time Schrön´s table was the most accurate one. According to General Morin, even in France Schrön´s table was preferred to the until then most popular tables from Callet.
1865 Seven-figure logarithms of numbers from 1 to 108000: and of sines, cosines, tangents, cotangents to every 10 seconds of the quadrant, with a table of proportional parts (Editor: Augustus de Morgan; from German 5th edition)
Tables in other languages to follow: French (Editor: J. Hoüel), Dutch (Editor: Bierens de Haan), Hungarian
Member of the "Kaiserlich Leopold. Carolin. Deutschen Academie der Naturforscher" und der gelehrten Gesellschaften zu Breslau, Frankfurt a.M., Halle und Jena
2 Werke
Tafelwerke siehe unten
3 Weblinks
4 Sonstiges
For more details see
- [
Henderson](p 128 - 129)
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Schroen 1838, Schroen 1860, Schroen 1861, Schroen 1862, Schroen 1865, Schroen 1866, Schroen 1956