Wingate 1626
1 Bibliographische Daten
- Autor............: Wingate, Edmund
- Titel............: Arithmetique logarithmetique. Logarithmotechnia, or The construction, and vse of the logarithmeticall tables; by the helpe of which mutiplication [sic] is performed by addition, diuision by subtraction, the extraction of the square root by bipartition, & of the cube root by tripartition, &c. Finally th golden rule, and the resolution of triangles, as well right lined, as sphericall by addition and substraction. First published in the French tongue by Edmund Wingate an English gentleman, and now translated into English by the author himselfe.
- Auflage..........:
- Ort .............: London, England
- Verlag ..........:
- Jahr ............: 1636
- Seiten ..........:
- Typ .............: Logarithmentafeln
- Format ..........:
- Stellen .........:
- Sprache..........: English
2 Beschreibung
2.1 Inhalt
2.2 Besonderheiten
- Enthält "The first chiliad of logarithmes, called in the discourse aforegoing the table of numbers." (formerly STC 3742), by Henry Briggs, has divisional title and separate register, unpaginated.
2.3 Siehe auch
3 Weblinks
4 Sonstiges
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