Grip, Erik Konrad
Erik Konrad Grip
(* Tag.Monat.Jahr in ..., † Tag.Monat.Jahr in ...)
1 Leben
2 Werke
2.1 Maschinen, Geräte

2.2 Patente

3 Literatur
4 Weblinks
5 Sonstiges
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Maschinen und Geräte:
Facit 1006, Facit 1007, Facit 1051, Facit CA 1-13, Facit CA 2-16, Facit CA 2-16 SX, Facit CM 2-16, Facit CS 1-13, Facit EA, Facit ESA, Facit ESA-0, Facit NEA
Facit 1006, Facit 1007, Facit 1051, Facit CA 1-13, Facit CA 2-16, Facit CA 2-16 SX, Facit CM 2-16, Facit CS 1-13, Facit EA, Facit ESA, Facit ESA-0, Facit NEA


- Patent:CA414833 31.08.1943 Carlstrom, Bengt, Grip, Erik Konrad, Toorell, Sture AB Facit :
Calculating machine - Patent:CA423623 07.11.1944 Grip, Erik Konrad AB Facit
Calculating machine - Patent:CA440626 08.04.1947 Grip, Erik Konrad, Toorell, Sture AB Facit
Calculating machine - Patent:CA592008 02.02.1960 Grip, Erik Konrad AB Atvidaberg-Facit
Zeroizing mechanism for calculating machine of The pinwheel type

- Patent:CH328487 30.04.1958 Grip, Erik Konrad AB Åtvidaberg Facit :
Einstelleinrichtung an Rechenmaschinen

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