Expert Adding Machine
1 Gerätedaten
Modell............: Expert Adding MachineFirma.............: J.M. Sailer Co
Hersteller*.......: ...
Ort, Land.........: Janesville Wisconsin USA
Maße (LxBxH)......: x x cm (Grundkörper)
Maße (LxBxH)......: 13 x 13 x 1,5 cm (mit Bedienelementen)
Gewicht...........: g
Stellen (EWxUWxRW): 1 x x 2
Eingabe mit.......: Stift
Antrieb...........: manuell
Löschung..........: manuell
System............: Zählscheibe
Material..........: Holz, Papier, Metall
Produziert........: um 1900
2 Beschreibung
Beschreibung......: Kolonnenaddierer ohne Zehnerübertrag
The top and bottom of the Expert are each a single piece of wood 0.25 inches thick, not a lamination or plywood. It would be odd if it was not warped and cracked. Neither the warps nor the prominent crack in the top piece affect the operation; the inner metal disc turns easily. The dark ring on the front is where the wood has been thinned out by about 1/16, so that it isnt quite so far down to the metal disc. The wood is still thick though, and it can be hard to see the answer at the bottom of the narrow slot that shows it. You want to hold this device at an angle where the light can get in there easily.
(aus dem Angebot bei Ebay, mit Erlaubnis des Autors)
I can find no record of either the Expert Adding Machine or the J. M. Sailer Co. Janesville, Wisconsion however, is well documented and still exists.The Expert is a column adder, designed to add one column of numbers at a time. Thats why you can only input numbers from 1 to 9. The maximum capacity is 99, after which it displays 00 again. You might wonder why it has to be so big: 5.75 inches square. Thats how big it has to be to hold the metal wheel that you are rotating when you add a number. The answers are displayed in the wide opening at the bottom of the number entry slot. To quickly clear the adder, you can put your stylus in the large hole in the label and turn the disc freely there is no stop at zero. The numbers on the metal disc appear to be part of the same paper label with the name of the adder and its maker, which makes this one of the very simplest of adders: a metal disc with a paper label in a wood box with two cutouts and another paper label for the input digits. John M. Sailer of Janesville, Wisconsin was granted several patents in 1910 and 1912, but none were for an adding machine. Even the Smithsonian doesnt have one of these. The Expert Adding Machine probably dates from 1900 to 1910, but thats just an educated guess.
3 Weitere Bilder
4 Literatur
5 Patente

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