1 Gerätedaten
Modell............: "THE fingertip SYSTEM"Firma.............: The Fingertip System Company, 910-A North Seventh Street, Kansas City, Kansas
Hersteller*.......: VE-PO-AD(?)
Ort, Land.........: Kansas City (MO), USA
Maße (LxBxH)......: 12 x 7,7 x 0,4 cm
Gewicht...........: 80 g
Stellen (EWxUWxRW): 8 x 0 x 9
Eingabe mit.......: Stift
Antrieb...........: direkt
Löschung..........: Zuglasche oben
System............: Zahlenschieber
Farbe(n)..........: gold, schwarz
Material..........: Eisen
Produziert........: von bis (1937)
2 Weitere Bilder
3 Literatur
From the "Index of Trademarks" issued from the United States Patent Office_ Vol. 937 (1937):
"Stiles, Dudley H., Doing business as Fingertip System Company, Kansas City. Portable accounting systems and supplementary computing attachments. 352,726; Dec 7 Class 37"
4 Patente
siehe blauer Kasten unten
5 Weblinks
- More images of the ProCalculo! family of machines can be found here.
6 Seriennummern
- Seriennummern:
- Nummernlagen:
7 Allgemeine Anmerkungen
- It appears to be identical to Ve-Po-Ad adder. But, while identical in construction to the Ve-Po-Ad, the Fingertip (along with the NU AD Adder, the Addex and the Sumaster) were marked as from Kansas City, USA while the Ve-Po-Ad (and the Midget) were marked as made in Chicago. It is a possibility that these 'Kansas City adders' were actually supplied by Ve-Po-Ad just with different labels. This idea is supported by the use of a common instruction sheet among these adders.
- The Kansas City adders were often sold as part of an accounting system (with accounting journals and ledgers suitable for a small cash based business).
- See Serval System
- All of these adders (along with the Sum=Fix, the Multi-Sum and the Pocket Adding Machine are derived from the Pro Calculo!
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