Lanza, Sergio
Sergio Lanza ((* 20.2.1923 in Genova Italien, † T30.10.2006 in Albissola Marina (SV) )
1 Leben
Father of Sergio Lanza was an Italian seller of Remington typewriters. When, in '20s' he seen first Olivetti machines, he wrote to Camillo Olivetti suggesting some improvements. They become friends, Mr. Lanza become an Olivetti representative and the young Sergio was asked to reach Ivrea and to work in Olivetti. Due to family problems Sergio gave up this opportunity.
2 Werke
Sergio Lanza registered several patents related to mechanical devices and founded the Brevetti Lanza company. In Italian brevetti means patents.
Production of adding machines ended when Lanza's patented Addipresto was copied by cheaper machines made in Hong Kong (Swift Handy Calculator, Bentley, Schnellrechner (Maschine). Indeed Lanza patented his machines only in Italy.
An interesting patent by Lanza (Patent:IT488565) concerns a device for the setting of the multiplier into electrical adding or calculating machines. It was conceived in two versions. First version is identical to multiplier buit-in some Everest machines (e.g. Multarapid) and M4). Then we can suppose that Everest worked under Lanza's license. Second version was added by resellers (not in factory) to machines of other companies (e.g. Totalia or Monroe MA).
Facit Multimat Zusatzgerät looks identical to Lanza's Multiplier
2.1 Maschinen, Geräte

Wichtige Maschinen und Geräte:
- Addietta
- Addimat
- Addipresto
2.2 Patente

Wichtige Patente:
3 Literatur
- ...
4 Weblinks
5 Sonstiges
- Vergl. auch Patente von Carlo Fossa-Mancini
Seite eröffnet von: F. Diestelkamp 18:52, 9. Feb 2007 (GMT)
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Addimat, Addimat Wählscheibe, Bentley, Everest M4, Everest Multarapid, Multimat Zusatzgerät, Schnellrechner (Maschine), Swift Handy Calculator

- Patent:CH301856 14.03.1952 Lanza, Sergio :
Vorrichtung zum stellenweisen Einsetzen des Multiplikators in Rechenmaschinen mit Motorantrieb.

- Patent:DE938883 01.01.1951 Lanza, Sergio :
Vorrichtung zum stellenweisen Einsetzen des Multiplikators an Rechenmaschine mit motorischem Antrieb

- Patent:FR1057154 05.03.1954 Lanza, Sergio Brevetti Lanza :
Dispositif pour l introduction semi-automatique du multiplicateur dans les machines électriques à calculer

- Patent:IT480723 13.04.1951 Lanza, Sergio Brevetti Lanza :
Apparecchio per trasformare calcolatrice da semiautomatica in automatica - Patent:IT488565 12.12.1951 Lanza, Sergio Brevetti Lanza :
Dispositivo per limpostazione semiautomatica del moltiplicatore nelle macchine calcolatrici elettriche