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Ducati factory and list of products
Ducati factory and list of products


1 Firmendaten

Vollständiger Name....: Società Scientifica Radio Brevetti Ducati
Ort, Land*............: Borgo Panigale (Bologna) Italien
Gründer...............: Adriano Cavalieri Ducati (1903-1991) and relatives
Gründungsdatum........: 1926
Namensänderung........: Ducati
Löschung der Firma....:
Hauptprodukte.........: Technical devices (radios, cameras, adding machines, ...) before WW2. Now it produces only motorcycles

2 Firmengeschichte

Logo of Ducati Scientific Society for Radio Patents
Logo of Ducati Scientific Society for Radio Patents
In 1926 the Cavalieri Ducati family and other investors funded the "Società Scientifica Radio Brevetti Ducati" in Bologna. Their aim was the production of industrial components for the growing field of radio transmissions, based on Adriano Cavalieri Ducati's patents(in Italian brevetti).
 Bonaventura Cavalieri was a famous anchestor of this family.
In 1939 Ducati started the LC line for the production of Duconta adding machines. This production ended when the Borgo Panigale factories were bombed and razed to the ground in 1944. In this occasion over 1000 Duconta was destroyed, we can say the whole production of the last model.
After the war, Ducati changed completely his production and became an affirmed trademark in the motorcycles sector.
When in 1948 Ducati family lost ownership of the company, Adriano left Italy for USA and he worked as resercher for NASA.

3 Rechner, Rechengeräte

Ducati made few models of adding machines, all was printing and had a full keyboard:

4 Patente

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5 Andere Produkte, Werbung

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Besonders zu erwähnende Produkte:

6 Wichtige Personen

6.1 Firmengründer

6.2 Konstrukteure

6.3 Sonstige Personen

7 Literatur

8 Weblinks

9 Sonstiges

Seite eröffnet von: Celli

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  • Patent:IT361328 19.07.1938 Cavalieri Ducati, Adriano Ducati : Dispositivo di arresto dei congegni delle operazioni nelle macchine calcolatrici e affini, funzionante come limite della velocità raggiunta dai congegni stessi
  • Patent:IT361363 20.07.1938 Cavalieri Ducati, Adriano Ducati : Sistema per il controllo del ritorno degli organi di comando delle singole operazioni, specialmente nelle macchine calcolatrici, registratrici e simili
  • Patent:IT372887 12.07.1939 Cavalieri Ducati, Adriano Ducati : Perfezionamento dei trasferitori per macchine calcolatrici e simili
  • Patent:IT372886 12.07.1939 Cavalieri Ducati, Adriano Ducati : Dispositivo ammortizzatore idraulico specialmente per macchine calcolatrici e simili

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