1 Maschinendaten
Modell............: Duconta (alle Modelle)
Firma.............: Ducati
Hersteller*.......: Ducati
Ort, Land.........: Bologna, Italien
Rechnertyp........: Zweispezies-Maschine
Maße (LxBxH)......: x x cm (Grundkörper)
Maße (LxBxH)......: x x cm (mit Bedienelementen)
Gewicht...........: g
Stellen (EWxUWxRW): (s. unten)
Eingabe mit.......: full keyboard
Antrieb...........: Hebel oder Motor
System............: Zahnstangen
Material..........: Bakelit
Produziert........: von 1938 bis 1944
2 History
Near 1938, Ducati need new adding machines for his own administration.
Considering political scenario and the lack of similar italian products,
they decided to build a new machine themself. Result was positive and industrial production begun.
Duconta LC-2302 was the first printing adding machine electrically driven produced in Italy. Alfa was not electrical.
Exclusive reseller was the Organizzazione Commerciale Griffini - Milano.
Production ended suddently when Ducati factories were bombed and razed to the ground in 1944.
3 Varianten
3.1 LC 2301.1
Farbe(n)..........: Black
Stellen (EWxUWxRW): 9 x 0 x 9
Antrieb...........: Hebel
3.2 LC 2301.2
Farbe(n)..........: Black
Stellen (EWxUWxRW): 10 x 0 x 11
Antrieb...........: Hebel

3.3 LC 2302.1
Farbe(n)..........: Black
Stellen (EWxUWxRW): 9 x 0 x 9
Antrieb...........: Motor
Seriennummern.....: 3799
3.4 LC 2302.2
Farbe(n)..........: Black
Stellen (EWxUWxRW): 10 x 0 x 11
Antrieb...........: Motor
Seriennummern.....: 1454, 5750
3.5 LC 2303
Farbe(n)..........: Green
Stellen (EWxUWxRW): 10 x 0 x 11
Antrieb...........: Hebel
Besonderheiten....: direct subtraction, carriage can be changed without using any tool.
Produziert........: von 1942 bis 1944
3.6 LC 2304
Farbe(n)..........: GreenStellen (EWxUWxRW): 10 x 0 x 11
Antrieb...........: Motor
Besonderheiten....: direct subtraction, carriage can be changed without using any tool.
Produziert........: von 1942 bis 1944
4 Literatur
- "Bollettino Normali Ducati"
- Schranz 1953
- ...
5 Patente
6 Weblinks
7 Seriennummern
- Nummernlagen:
8 Allgemeine Anmerkungen
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- Patent:IT322062 26.05.1934 Carnacina, Gino A.I.A.C.S. :
Macchina addizionatrice scrivente - Patent:IT361328 19.07.1938 Cavalieri Ducati, Adriano Ducati :
Dispositivo di arresto dei congegni delle operazioni nelle macchine calcolatrici e affini, funzionante come limite della velocità raggiunta dai congegni stessi - Patent:IT361363 20.07.1938 Cavalieri Ducati, Adriano Ducati :
Sistema per il controllo del ritorno degli organi di comando delle singole operazioni, specialmente nelle macchine calcolatrici, registratrici e simili - Patent:IT372887 12.07.1939 Cavalieri Ducati, Adriano Ducati :
Perfezionamento dei trasferitori per macchine calcolatrici e simili - Patent:IT372886 12.07.1939 Cavalieri Ducati, Adriano Ducati :
Dispositivo ammortizzatore idraulico specialmente per macchine calcolatrici e simili