Filotecnica Salmoiraghi
1 Firmendaten
Vollständiger Name....: Filotecnica SalmoiraghiOrt, Land*............: Milano, Italien
Gründer...............: Porro, Ignazio
Gründungsdatum........: 1864
Löschung der Firma....:
Hauptprodukte.........: Optical and measuring devices, e.g. planimeters and slide rules
2 Firmengeschichte
Ignazio Porro (1801-1875) funded Filotecnica in 1864. He was a well know optician as reported in [ English] and [
German] Wikipedia.
Angelo Salmoiraghi, Porro's pupil in Politecnico, in 1871 became associate to the society and in 1877 became the owner. Company name was changed in Filotecnica Salmoiraghi.
Under Salmoiraghi direction company grew. In 1890 they had approximately 150 workers and their catalogue was comprising more than 300 pieces between which astronomical telescopes, instruments for navigation, geodesy, topography. In particular Filotecnica Salmoiraghi produced tools for technical drawing and Amsler planimeters.
Near 1975 Filotecnica Salmoiraghi ended production of technical devices. Now [ Salmoiraghi & Viganò] is the largest Italian glasses shop.
In particular, production of planimeters was halted c1965, but planimeters were sold out until 1998.
3 Rechner, Rechengeräte
Filotecnica Salmoiraghi produced several planimeters. This is a non-exhaustive list from some catalogues (1904, 1910, 1940 and near 1960):
- Planimeter n. 224 - fixed arm length (Catalogue 1904, 1910), ITL 55 in 1910
- Planimeter n. 224bis - fixed arm length (Catalogue 1940, p.4)
- Planimeter n. 225 - adjustable arm length (Catalogue 1904, 1910), ITL 65 in 1910
- Planimeter n. 225bis - adjustable arm length (Catalogue 1940, p.7)
- Planimeter n. 225ter - monted on a carriage (Catalogue 1940, p.10)
- Planimeter n. 226 - special model (Catalogue 1904, 1910), ITL 130 in 1910
- Planimeter n. 227 - for Watt diagrams (Catalogue 1904), ITL 72 in 1910
- Planimeter n. 228 - with pantograph for very large and very small areas (Catalogue 1904, 1910), ITL 195 in 1910
- Planimeter n. 229 - with rotating disk (Catalogue 1904, 1910), ITL 230 in 1910
- Planimeter n. 229bis - with rotating disk (Catalogue 1940, p.11)
- Planimeter n. 230 - with rotating disk and carriage (Catalogue 1940, p.13)
- Planimeter n. 236 - optical pointer metric measures (Catalogue '60ties)
- Planimeter n. 236/A - as 236, English measures [
Img. 1] [
Img. 2]
- Planimeter n. 237 - as 236, mounted on linear rail (Catalogue '60ties)
- Planimeter n. 237/A - as 237, English measures (Know serial number 170171)
- Planimeter n. 238 - for circular diagrams of measuring instruments (Catalogue '60ties)
- Planimeter n. 307 - with rotating disk (Catalogue '60ties)
- Planimeter n. 308 - as 236, mounted on 70cm linear rail (Catalogue '60ties)
Besonders zu erwähnende Produkte:
- ...
4 Patente
Weitere Patente:
5 Andere Produkte, Werbung
Eine Liste des Zubehörs, Werbung usw. wird automatisch generiert,
Sie finden sie unten.
Besonders zu erwähnende Produkte:
- Classical slide rules
6 Wichtige Personen
6.1 Firmengründer
- Porro, Ignazio
- Salmoiraghi, Angelo
6.2 Konstrukteure
- ...
6.3 Sonstige Personen
- ...
7 Literatur
- 1904 edition of instructions/catalogue is know only thanks a short index given by a collector.
- Filotecnica Salmoiraghi 1910 Istrumenti per Ingegneri e Agrimensori
- Salmoiraghi 1937 Drawing devices catalogue
- Filotecnica Salmoiraghi 1940 Planimeters instructions/catalogue
- for ~1960 edition just a partial photocopy is allowable
8 Weblinks
9 Sonstiges
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