

Die große Enzyklopädie des mechanischen Rechnens | Anmelden | Hilfe

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Letzte Änderungen





Suchergebnisse für: FOUR OPERATIONS

  Land  Datum  Relevanz 
  • Patent:CH16383 30.11.1898 Ashwell, Arthur Thomas (P) : Dispositif destiné à être appliqué à des machines à additionner munies de touches et de types et à permettre dimprimer en colonnes successives les chiffres résultant des opérations avec lesdites machines [7.42%]
  • Patent:CH19471 31.07.1900 Goldman, Henry (P) : Machine à calculer [2.74%]
  • Patent:CH257147 30.09.1948 Martial Emch : Instrument pour effectuer des opérations de calcul [27.49%]
  • Patent:CH275190 15.05.1951 : Machine à calculer électrique [5.10%]
  • Patent:CH284485 31.07.1952 IBM (P) : Machine à calculer. [7.14%]
  • Patent:CH285518 15.09.1952 : Rechenmaschine. [13.97%]
  • Patent:CH286903 15.11.1952 IBM (P) : Machine à calculer à fonctionnement cyclique. [8.43%]
  • Patent:CH303710 15.12.1954 : Machine à calculer électronique [6.32%]
  • Patent:CH305456 28.02.1955 : Machine à calculer électronique [7.67%]
  • Patent:CH306683 30.04.1955 : Machine à calculer électronique [5.79%]
  • Patent:CH309958 30.09.1955 : Machine à calculer électronique [6.14%]
  • Patent:CH309959 30.09.1955 : Machine à calculer électronique [7.41%]
  • Patent:CH310868 15.11.1955 : Machine à calculer électronique [2.82%]
  • Patent:CH312267 31.12.1955 : Machine à calculer électronique [4.69%]
  • Patent:CH31465 30.04.1905 Mugnier, Francois (P) : Machine à calculer [2.88%]
  • Patent:CH316198 30.09.1956 : Machine à calculer électronique [4.91%]
  • Patent:CH316200 30.09.1956 Hoppe, Walter (P) : Machine à calculer électrique [4.70%]
  • Patent:CH316201 30.09.1956 Hoppe, Walter (P) : Machine à calculer électrique [4.95%]
  • Patent:CH317526 30.11.1956 : Machine à calculer électronique [5.00%]
  • Patent:CH326217 15.12.1957 : Machine à calculer électronique purement numérique [2.86%]
  • Patent:CH363823 15.08.1962 : Unter dem Einfluss eines Taktgebers arbeitende Rechenmaschine [3.30%]
  • Patent:CH385519 15.12.1964 NCR (P) : Dispositif dimpression, notamment pour machine à calculer [7.65%]
  • Patent:CH389290 15.03.1965 : [8.82%]
  • Patent:CH422392 15.10.1966 NCR (P) : Machine à calculer [9.00%]
  • Patent:CH431141 28.02.1967 Ricoh (P) : Machine à additionner à clavier réduit [9.87%]
  • Patent:CH436791 31.05.1967 : Machine à calculer de bureau digitale électronique [3.16%]
  • Patent:CH44110 01.07.1909 The Adder (P) : Dispositif dactionnement pour machines à additionner [3.13%]
  • Patent:CH450016 15.01.1968 Gassino, Teresio (P) Olivetti (P) : Machine à calculer à clavier réduit à quatre opérations [6.45%]
  • Patent:CH470028 15.03.1969 Gross, Henry (P), Gross, Samuel (P) : Machine à additionner, notamment caisse enregistreuse [7.30%]
  • Patent:CH479122 30.09.1969 Fuan, Jacques (P), Kaiser, Josef (P) : Appareil électronique pour calculer le taux de variation dune grandeur et utilisation de cet appareil [6.63%]
  • Patent:CH517973 15.01.1972 McGourty, Thomas K. (P) Commodore (P) : Machine à calculer mécanique [16.22%]
  • Patent:CH517982 15.01.1972 Thevis-Eigelshofen, Karola (P) Schildkroet (P) : Lern- und Spielgeraet zum Rechnen [10.64%]
  • Patent:CH5743 15.03.1893 Huizer, Samuel-Leendert (P) : Machine à additionner [2.86%]
  • Patent:CH62168 19.07.1912 Beaucourt, Edmond (P) : Machine à calculer portative [7.39%]
  • Patent:FR1004934 05.12.1951 Pitois, Antoine-Marcel : Appareil permettant deffectuer rapidement, par des manipulations simples, les opérations courantes darithmétique, dalgèbre et de trigonométrie [25.86%]
  • Patent:FR1043929 17.06.1953 Westinger, Karl (P), Altenburger, Ernst (P), Hirt, Otto (P) : Machine à calculer avec clavier à dix touches et chariot à broches permettant deffectuer les quatre opérations [25.11%]
  • Patent:FR1052765 30.09.1953 Westinger, Karl (P); Altenburger, Ernst (P); Hirt, Otto (P) : Machine à calculer permettant deffectuer les quatre opérations [26.38%]
  • Patent:FR10797 31.12.1850 d'Argy, Edmond Armand Louis : Calculateur mécanique applicable aux opérations des quatre règles de l'arithmétique et aux marques de jeux [25.86%]
  • Patent:FR1112271 09.11.1955 André-Marius Rohaut : Règle à calcul pour opérations concernant les vins et autres liquides alcooliques [26.38%]
  • Patent:FR1178451 15.12.1958 Jullien, Pierre-Jules-Louis : Calculateur pour opérations combinées [27.49%]
  • Patent:FR1206917 31.08.1959 Erdelyi, Georges Nicolas Laszlo : Dispositif pour lexécution des opérations réductibles par logarithmes [26.92%]
  • Patent:FR1235438 08.07.1960 Robert, Joseph-Emmanuel-Raoul-Marcel-Romuald : Appareil effectuant des opérations mathématiques [26.92%]
  • Patent:FR388832 12.06.1908 Blum, Max : Machine à additionner, inscrivant elle-même les opérations [27.78%]
  • Patent:FR394781 06.12.1907 Leontine Payen - Huard : Dispositif de remise à zéro des cadrans indicateurs des arithmomètres et autres machines à calculer [5.09%]
  • Patent:FR445399 02.09.1912 Charles Girard : Méthode et appareil destinés à simplifier les opérations nécessaires pour le calcul des carnet de levés tachéométriques [25.86%]
  • Patent:FR469303 21.02.1914 Soc. Chateau Freres (P) et Cie : Machine à calculer donnant simultanément le résultat d\'une opération et le total des résultats obtenus dans diverses opérations précédentes [25.36%]
  • Patent:FR553897 20.02.1923 Étienne-Louis dit Stéphane Brun : Dispositif de cercle à calculs pour déterminer rapidement les résultats d opérations arithmétiques commerciales simples [25.60%]
  • Patent:FR580985 16.09.1924 Adrien Barra : Règle pour le calcul de la durée des opérations mécaniques [27.49%]
  • Patent:FR615226 04.10.1926 Gouverneur, Fernand (P) : Règles à calcul circulaires permettant d apprécier les temps d usinage des opérations courantes des machines-outils [26.12%]
  • Patent:FR622130 24.05.1927 Tauschek, Gustav (P) : Tabulator, particularly for calculating wages [2.86%]
  • Patent:FR680412 18.01.1930 Hugo Bernhard August Cordt : Machine à calculer pour les quatre opérations en combinaison avec des mécanismes dimpression et daddition [25.86%]
  • Patent:FR688221 20.08.1930 Boutet, René Edmond : Perfectionnements aux machines à calculer [6.62%]
  • Patent:FR737538 13.12.1932 Valtat, Raymond-Louis-Andre : Perfectionnement aux Machines à chiffres [7.81%]
  • Patent:FR73783E 05.09.1960 Laszlo, Nicolas Georges Erdelyi : Dispositif pour lexécution des opérations réductibles par logarithmes [26.92%]
  • Patent:FR7680 12.03.1840 Michaut-Delacroix, Vorles (P) : Mécaniques à calculs sans le secours de la plume et propres à résoudre les opérations de finances et de commerce [25.60%]
  • Patent:FR833918 01.08.1938 Bonnet, Jean (P) : Appareil de calcul plus particulièrement pour opérations topographiques [27.49%]
  • Patent:FR937125 01.03.1948 Potier, Gabriel : Règle à calcul ordinaire combinée avec celle utilisée dans les opérations topographiques [26.38%]
  • Patent:FR999152 28.01.1952 Dusson, André-Ernest : Règle pour le calcul des prix de vente et opérations analogues [26.92%]
  • Patent:GB100569 01.06.1916 Haddan, Alfred John Henry (P) : Improvements in and relating to the Differential Mechanism, Totalizer Actuating Arrangements and Transfer Devices of Adding and Subtracting M [12.93%]
  • Patent:GB101013 18.01.1917 Soc. Chateau Freres (P) et Cie : Improvements in Calculating Machines [11.15%]
  • Patent:GB1017634 19.01.1966 NCR (P) : Improvements in or relating to calculating apparatus [32.52%]
  • Patent:GB1029953 18.05.1966 Lloyd, John George (P) und Kitz, Norbert (P) und Drage, James John (P) Bell Punch (P) Co Ltd : Improvements in or relating to calculating machines [14.41%]
  • Patent:GB1030041 18.05.1966 Olympia (P) Werke AG : Improvements in or relating to typewriters, calculating machines or the like [15.62%]
  • Patent:GB104392 05.03.1917 Green Ernest George, Dyson Percy Albert : Device to enable Children to Build Up the Multiplication Tables. [8.14%]
  • Patent:GB1055297 18.01.1967 Olympia (P) Werke AG : Improvements in or relating to calculating and accounting machines [15.18%]
  • Patent:GB105928 10.05.1917 Peters, Herbert Cushing (P) : Improvements in and relating to Adding and Subtracting Machines [9.30%]
  • Patent:GB1069375 17.05.1967 [[Wyle, Laboratories : Calculator apparatus for distinguishing meaningful digits [17.01%]
  • Patent:GB108512 07.08.1917 Richardson, James (P) : Improvements in and relating to the Determination of Volumes of Solid Bodies [6.24%]
  • Patent:GB108726 20.08.1917 Haddan, Alfred John Henry (P) NCR (P) : Improvements in Cash Registers. [10.59%]
  • Patent:GB108800 17.08.1917 Haddan, Alfred John Henry (P) NCR (P) : Improvements in and relating to the Total and Sub-total Printing [6.15%]
  • Patent:GB1104143 21.02.1968 Carlsen, Erling Adolf (P) und Carlsen, Henning Gunnar (P) Contex (P) : Calculating machine [11.42%]
  • Patent:GB1105695 13.03.1968 Computron, Corp : Calculating machine [6.58%]
  • Patent:GB1108719 03.04.1968 C Olivetti (P) and C Societa Per Azi : Automatic document feeding device for a printing mechanism of an adding or accounting machine [25.43%]
  • Patent:GB1110070 18.04.1968 List, Hans (P) : Apparatus for calculating the integrals of time-dependent functions [6.28%]
  • Patent:GB1122664 07.08.1968 Ferner, Valentin (P) Teltov Geraete Regler : Pneumatic calculating apparatus [6.41%]
  • Patent:GB1137729 27.12.1968 Gang, Herman (P) Litton Business Systems Inc : A memory device for a calculating machine [24.91%]
  • Patent:GB1139925 15.01.1969 C Olivetti (P) and C Societa Per Azi : Program control device for a calculating or like machine [16.21%]
  • Patent:GB1143203 19.02.1969 Lloyd, John George (P) Bell Punch (P) Co Ltd : Improvements in or relating to calculating machines [16.10%]
  • Patent:GB115029 11.04.1918 Blaustein, Joseph (P) : Improvements in Calculating Machines [5.61%]
  • Patent:GB118137 12.08.1918 Hazel, William Charles (P) : Improvements in Tills adapted especially to Deal with Paper Money. [8.07%]
  • Patent:GB118982 19.09.1918 Ridderstad, Carl Fredrik Gustaf (P) : Improvements in or relating to Apparatus for Indicating the Length of the outrunning wire of fishing Smacks [6.32%]
  • Patent:GB121414 19.12.1918 Mcneil John : Improved Ellipsograph [18.80%]
  • Patent:GB124860 01.04.1919 Brink, Carl August (P) : Improvements in and relating to Counting-apparatus and Associated Stop Mechanism for Machinery [25.98%]
  • Patent:GB125891 01.05.1919 Rymer-Jones, John (P) : Improvements in or relating to Apparatus whereby the Mean Gauge of a Wire or othe cylindrical Body of small Diameter can be Ascertained [15.30%]
  • Patent:GB129291 04.10.1920 Odhner, Valentin Jakob (P) : Improvements in or relating to Revolutions-counting Mechanism for Calculating Machines of the Pin-wheel and Cam-disk Type [6.62%]
  • Patent:GB138959 13.01.1919 Gardiner, F. T. : Counting Apparatus [10.11%]
  • Patent:GB144367 07.06.1920 NCR (P) : Improvements in total printing mechanism for cash registers and the like [26.80%]
  • Patent:GB148207 09.11.1921 Myers, Eugene Van Aiken (P) : Improvements in lubrication-indicators [12.59%]
  • Patent:GB150470 09.09.1920 Orme, Thomas Armitage (P) und Stansfield, Albert (P) Meters Ltd : Improvements in and relating to counting apparatus [15.70%]
  • Patent:GB156715 07.01.1921 Rechnitzer, Alexander (P) Autarit (P) GMBH : Calculating-machine [16.98%]
  • Patent:GB162979 12.05.1921 Peirce, John Royden (P) : Total printing mechanism for adding and like registering machines [10.66%]
  • Patent:GB189503937 04.01.1896 Eagles, James (P) : An Improved Cylindrical Slide Rule [6.72%]
  • Patent:GB189614623 15.05.1897 Sheridan, Matthew Joseph (P) : A New and Improved Slide Rule for Reducing Spirits [11.52%]
  • Patent:GB189915527 02.06.1900 Goudie, William John (P) Goudie William John : Improvements in Calculating Rules and the like [14.14%]
  • Patent:GB190207571 05.06.1902 Krause, Rudolf (P) : Improved Calculating Scale or Slide [9.89%]
  • Patent:GB190412021 07.07.1904 Mugnier, Francois (P) : Improvements in and relating to Calculating Apparatus [15.73%]
  • Patent:GB190414716 04.05.1905 Wolodarsky, Hirsh (P) : An Improved Counting Frame or Apparatus [6.39%]
  • Patent:GB190611250 11.10.1906 Societe Universelle des Appareils Controleurs : An Apparatus for the Control and the Registration of the Operations Performed by a Ticket Printing and Issuing Machine [25.86%]
  • Patent:GB190612959 14.02.1907 Haydock, Richard (P), Lewis, Robert David (P) : Novel or Improved Device for use in Extending a Length of Piping Downwards, such as Adding a Length of Air Pipe during Sinking Operations i [26.26%]
  • Patent:GB190711696 18.05.1908 Wahl, John C. (P) : Improvements relating to Calculating Attachments for Typewriters [17.83%]
  • Patent:GB190723343 22.10.1908 Riedl, Camillo (P) : An Improved Calculating Machine [15.61%]
  • Patent:GB190726170 21.05.1908 Bürk, Richard : An Improved Selective Manual Operating Mechanism for Calculating Machines [17.12%]
  • Patent:GB190822435 18.02.1909 Trinks, Franz (P) : Improvements in Calculating Machines [16.66%]
  • Patent:GB190908259 06.04.1910 Clarke, Edward Russell (P) Barr Mark : Improvements in and relating to Calculating Machines [27.67%]
  • Patent:GB190913039 20.01.1910 Vermehren, Johannes (P) Vermehrens Regnemaskiner AS : An Improved Machine for Calculating Fractional Parts of any Quantity [15.52%]
  • Patent:GB190922464 29.09.1910 White, Nelson (P) und Vincent, Jesse Gurney (P) : Improvements in or relating to Adding and Listing Machines [16.64%]
  • Patent:GB191025018 27.10.1911 Barr, Mark (P) und Beeton, Henry Ramie (P) und Bell, Robert (P) : Improvements in and relating to Calculating Machines [15.73%]
  • Patent:GB191115908 04.07.1912 Rechnitzer, Alexander (P) : Improvements in or relating to the Setting and Differential Actuating Mechanisms of Calculating-machines [15.67%]
  • Patent:GB191116198 13.06.1912 Hills, William Donagan (P) : Improvements in or relating to Calculating Devices [6.16%]
  • Patent:GB191125313 14.11.1912 Pivoda, Franz (P) : Device for Calculating the Interest of a Principal [9.48%]
  • Patent:GB191200442 06.01.1913 Boult, Alfred Julius (P) Burroughs (P) : Improvements in or relating to Adding or like Machines [16.18%]
  • Patent:GB191207136 08.08.1912 Trinks, Franz (P) : Improvements in the Printing Mechanism for Calculating Machines [8.48%]
  • Patent:GB191218642 14.08.1913 Autarit (P) GmbH : Improvements in or relating to Calculating Machines [16.90%]
  • Patent:GB191219276 17.04.1913 Greve, John E. (P) Wanderer (P) Werke : Improvements in Devices for Controlling the Engagement and Disengagement of the Counting Mechanism with the Actuating Segments of Adding a [17.58%]
  • Patent:GB191224275 01.05.1913 Trinks, Franz (P) : Improvements in and relating to Calculating Machines [8.36%]
  • Patent:GB191227801 29.05.1913 Trinks, Franz (P) : Improvements in and relating to Calculating Machines [7.52%]
  • Patent:GB191319815 10.06.1915 Trinks, Franz (P) : Improvements in Calculating Machines having Revolutions Counting Mechanisms [16.35%]
  • Patent:GB191320372 16.07.1914 Faguer, Louis Marie (P) : Improvements in or relating to Printing or Perforating Adding Machines [15.28%]
  • Patent:GB191328164 04.03.1920 Greve, John E. (P) Wanderer (P) Werke : Method of and Apparatus for Controlling the Colour Ribbons in Calculating Machines [16.02%]
  • Patent:GB191413073 27.05.1915 Cashmore, Montague (P) : Improvements in or relating to Proportion Calculators [6.39%]
  • Patent:GB191421089 30.09.1915 Wade, Harold (P) : Improvements in or relating to Calculating Machines [16.07%]
  • Patent:GB191506218 20.04.1916 NCR (P) : Improvements in Cash Registers, Calculating Machines or the like [17.00%]
  • Patent:GB191508119 01.06.1916 Haddan, Alfred John Henry (P) : Improvements in and relating to Total Taking and Printing Mechanism of Adding and Subtracting Machines [25.95%]
  • Patent:GB191512528 31.08.1916 Burroughs (P) Adding Machine Comp. : Improvements in or relating to Adding or like Machines [16.26%]
  • Patent:GB207694 06.12.1923 George Willis Grey : Improvements in or relating to calculating slide rules [4.85%]
  • Patent:GB210468 01.02.1924 James Mark Mcginnis Barr : Improvements in calculating machines [27.21%]
  • Patent:GB214142 17.04.1924 Lyadoff, Peter (P) : Improvements in or relating to calculating apparatus [10.08%]
  • Patent:GB218961 09.07.1924 Perpete, Georges Victor Lambert (P), Puttemans, Hubert Auguste (P) : Improvements in adding and printing machines [15.80%]
  • Patent:GB224549 07.04.1926 Bernhard Weiner : Improvements in and relating to calculating machines [8.99%]
  • Patent:GB248620 11.03.1926 Francesco Poggi und Umberto Emanuele : Improvements in or relating to calculating devices [11.28%]
  • Patent:GB256320 05.08.1926 Last, James (P) Accounting and Tabulating Corp : Improvements in and relating to statistical, calculating and like machines controlled by mechanical records [16.20%]
  • Patent:GB262794 23.02.1928 Marcel Jacob : Process and apparatus for automatically effecting statistical and reckoning operations [26.92%]
  • Patent:GB284445 02.02.1928 Black, John (P) : Slide rule for paper makers [11.32%]
  • Patent:GB285322 16.02.1928 Fiacchi. Francesco (P) : Improvements in logarithmic calculating apparatus [6.51%]
  • Patent:GB303483 03.07.1930 Siemens (P) : Improvements in or relating to calculating machines [16.74%]
  • Patent:GB311414 03.04.1930 Denis Maurice Tissier : Calculators for use in betting [7.21%]
  • Patent:GB314026 19.09.1930 Hofgaard Remington (P) Corp : Improvements in or relating to calculating machines [16.25%]
  • Patent:GB316663 03.04.1930 Siemens (P) : Improvements in or relating to perforated cards for use in calculating statistical or similar machines [7.49%]
  • Patent:GB337487 06.11.1930 Godfrey, Thomas Garwood (P) : An improved logarithmic calculator of the cylindrical type [6.49%]
  • Patent:GB347938 05.06.1930 Brunsviga (P) : Zeroizing-mechanism [16.23%]
  • Patent:GB358675 15.10.1931 Elliott Fisher (P) : Improvements in writing adding machines [27.17%]
  • Patent:GB363246 17.12.1931 Krupp (P) AG : Improvements in and relating to timing-control arrangements for the sub-operations cash registers and calculating machines [15.35%]
  • Patent:GB363470 06.11.1929 Avery, Harold (P) Marchant (P) : Calculating Machines [15.60%]
  • Patent:GB364298 07.01.1932 Henry Osborne Brierly : Improvements in Slide Rules [10.16%]
  • Patent:GB376283 30.06.1932 Isaac Roet : A method and apparatus for the operations of book-keeping calculating composing type-setting, typewriting or the like, by means of signs arra [15.81%]
  • Patent:GB382589 27.10.1932 Montres Zenith Fab Des : A calculating device for the record diagrams of apparatus recording periods of operation of machines or vehicles [10.15%]
  • Patent:GB400968 04.05.1931 Burroughs (P) Adding Machine Co. : Calculating Apparatus [15.81%]
  • Patent:GB407274 15.03.1934 Giulio Sbocchelli : Improved device for demonstrating the fundamental arithmetical operations [15.35%]
  • Patent:GB416985 25.09.1934 Burroughs (P) Adding Machine Co : Improvements in or relating to calculating and the like machines [31.99%]
  • Patent:GB431623 27.12.1934 Facit (P) : Improvements in Multiplying Machines [16.74%]
  • Patent:GB434436 02.09.1935 British Tabulating (P) Mach Co Ltd : Improvements in or relating to sheet feeding mechanism for printing mechanism applicable to statistical, calculating and like machines [14.02%]
  • Patent:GB438348 18.11.1935 Howard James Gaudin, Louis Bernard Dawson : An improved apparatus for evaluating a given function of two variables [15.35%]
  • Patent:GB444588 23.03.1936 Krupp (P) AG : Improvements in or relating to setting control mechanism for calculating machines and cash registers [15.07%]
  • Patent:GB450015 08.07.1936 Frank Edward Guy : Improvements in and relating to calculating apparatus [16.62%]
  • Patent:GB454249 28.09.1936 Campbell, Charles (P) British Tabulating (P) Mach Co Ltd : Improvements in or relating to calculating machines [32.54%]
  • Patent:GB458800 28.12.1936 British Tabulating (P) Mach Co Ltd : Improvements in or relating to calculating machines for performing division [15.66%]
  • Patent:GB458834 28.12.1936 British Tabulating (P) Mach Co Ltd : Improvements in or relating to record controlled calculating machines [16.15%]
  • Patent:GB462355 01.03.1937 Wanderer (P) Werke vormals Winklhofer : Improvements in or relating to frames for typewriters and calculating and like machines [6.09%]
  • Patent:GB472776 30.09.1937 Mercedes (P) Büromaschinen Werke : Method of and apparatus for recording and registering results of calculating operations, e.g. the determination and carrying forward of balances in calculating machines [14.70%]
  • Patent:GB483234 11.04.1938 Arthur Thomas : Improvements in or relating to calculating machines [16.35%]
  • Patent:GB489603 28.07.1938 Charles Andrew Fountaine : Improvements in or relating to calculating slide rules [15.35%]
  • Patent:GB500237 06.02.1939 Sidney Reginald Lucas : Improvements in or relating to slide rule calculators [10.35%]
  • Patent:GB504710 28.04.1939 Kenneth Bisset : Improvements relating to mechanical scoring devices [6.08%]
  • Patent:GB511898 25.08.1939 Heinrich Schmitt : Improvements in typewriters, calculating machines and like office machines [5.83%]
  • Patent:GB518671 05.03.1940 NCR (P) : Improvements in or relating to accounting machines and similar calculating machines [15.87%]
  • Patent:GB525397 27.08.1940 Standard Telephones Cables Ltd : Improvements in or relating to electrically-operated calculating equipment [6.77%]
  • Patent:GB525398 27.08.1940 Standard Telephones Cables Ltd : Improvements in or relating to electrical calculating apparatus [6.85%]
  • Patent:GB529562 22.11.1940 Morse, Richard Stetson (P) Kodak (P) : Improvements in or relating to means for and a method of carrying out selecting and calculating operations [15.25%]
  • Patent:GB530120 03.06.1939 NCR (P) : Calculating-apparatus [28.21%]
  • Patent:GB538696 13.08.1941 Weston Sangamo Ltd. : A calculating device for use in photographic printing operations [15.04%]
  • Patent:GB539453 09.01.1940 Burroughs (P) : Improvements in or relating to Calculating or the like Machines [25.33%]
  • Patent:GB546295 06.07.1942 Addressograph Multigraph : Improvements in or relating to calculating machines [24.49%]
  • Patent:GB550978 03.02.1943 NCR (P) : Improvements in or relating to calculating or similar accounting machines [17.66%]
  • Patent:GB557079 03.11.1943 Gower Bouverie Raynor Pimm : Improvements relating to slide-rule calculators [10.58%]
  • Patent:GB557734 02.12.1943 Stanley, Ernest Bolton (P) : Improvements in or relating to calculating devices, slide rules and the like [14.64%]
  • Patent:GB567915 08.03.1945 John Donald MacLean : Improvements in Slide Rules and other calculators [10.91%]
  • Patent:GB571253 14.08.1945 Standard Telephones Cables Ltd : Electrical calculating apparatus [13.84%]
  • Patent:GB571270 14.08.1945 Standard Telephones Cables Ltd : Electrical calculating apparatus [15.14%]
  • Patent:GB587220 17.04.1947 Lancelot Hogben : Apparatus for the use in the teaching of arithmetic operations [19.24%]
  • Patent:GB605926 18.04.1946 NCR (P) : Improvements in or relating to Accounting Machines [15.58%]
  • Patent:GB640445 19.07.1950 Felt und Tarrant (P) : [6.08%]
  • Patent:GB654063 06.06.1951 Underwood (P) Corp : Improvements relating to combined typewriting and calculating machines [14.98%]
  • Patent:GB657604 19.09.1951 Wallace, James (P) NCR (P) : Improvements in or relating to accounting and similar calculating machines [15.54%]
  • Patent:GB660638 07.11.1951 NCR (P) : Accounting machines and similar calculating machines [14.32%]
  • Patent:GB663272 19.12.1951 Townsend, Percival John (P) NCR (P) : Calculating machines and similar accounting machines [15.84%]
  • Patent:GB675775 16.07.1952 British Tabulating (P) Mach Co Ltd : Improvements in and relating to calculating machines [24.24%]
  • Patent:GB693679 01.07.1953 NCR (P) : Calculating machines [18.57%]
  • Patent:GB706185 24.03.1954 Henry Cecil Curtis : Improvements in calculating devices for determining the nett price from a primary figure subject to percentage discounts or increments [6.27%]
  • Patent:GB706668 31.03.1954 Victor (P) Adding Machine Company : Paper tape guide for calculating machines [5.98%]
  • Patent:GB707371 14.04.1954 Evans, David Silvester (P) Elliott Brothers London Ltd : Improvements in or relating to calculating machines [15.27%]
  • Patent:GB716656 13.10.1954 Brunsviga (P) Maschinenwerke AG : Improvements in or relating to ten-key adding machines [7.69%]
  • Patent:GB717432 27.10.1954 Altenburger, Ernst (P), Hirt, Otto (P), Westinger, Karl (P) : Calculating machine for the four arithmetical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) [16.06%]
  • Patent:GB736681 14.09.1955 Exacta, Buromaschinen Gmbh (P) : Control mechanism for calculating machines [27.94%]
  • Patent:GB737334 21.09.1955 Roland Graf Faber Castell : Improvements in Slide Rules [7.01%]
  • Patent:GB749157 16.05.1956 Hans Bernard und Paul Regentrop : An improved ribbon spool for typewriters and calculating machines [12.96%]
  • Patent:GB767691 06.02.1957 Woods-Hill, William (P) British Tabulating (P) Mach Co Ltd : Improvements in or relating to calculating checking apparatus [30.36%]
  • Patent:GB768507 20.02.1957 NCR (P) : Accounting or similar calculating machine [17.29%]
  • Patent:GB781295 14.08.1957 IBM (P) : Improvements in calculating machines [15.37%]
  • Patent:GB787069 27.11.1957 Hall, George Virgil (P) Oliwa, Walter Stanley (P) Monroe (P) Calculating Machine Comp. : Improvements relating to sign detection mechanism for calculating machine registers [15.38%]
  • Patent:GB799137 06.08.1958 Siemag Feinmechanische Werke GmbH : Improvements in contact keyboards for controlling typewriters and calculating, accounting and like machines [15.06%]
  • Patent:GB802692 08.10.1958 Wright, Esmond Philip Goodwin (P) Standard Telephones Cables Ltd : Improvements in or relating to electrical calculating equipment [24.37%]
  • Patent:GB823374 11.11.1959 Int Computers and Tabulators Ltd : Improvements in or relating to electronic calculating apparatus [17.13%]
  • Patent:GB842571 27.07.1960 Norman Carol Gen Electric Co Ltd : Improvements in or relating to electrical adding and subtracting circuits [7.37%]
  • Patent:GB860605 08.02.1961 Comptometer (P) Corp : A calculating-recording apparatus [6.47%]
  • Patent:GB912785 12.12.1962 NCR (P) : Accounting or similar calculating machines [26.43%]
  • Patent:GB925163 01.05.1963 Kitz, Norbert (P) Bell Punch (P) Co Ltd : Improvements in or relating to calculating machines [7.46%]
  • Patent:GB925392 08.05.1963 NCR (P) : Parallel coded digit adder [15.52%]
  • Patent:GB935584 28.08.1963 Sidney Lidderdale Scarlett Armstrong Cork Company Ltd : Improvements in or relating to Slide Rules [11.26%]
  • Patent:GB971468 30.09.1964 Lloyd, John George (P) und Kitz, Norbert (P) und Drage, James John (P) und Mansford, Hugh Lyon (P) Bell Punch (P) Co Ltd : Improvements in or relating to calculating machines [7.11%]
  • Patent:GB974346 04.11.1964 Siemag Feinmechanische Werke GmbH : Switch arrangement for the selective switching of calculating mechanisms in electro-mechanical book-keeping machines, according to a predeter [7.00%]
  • Patent:GB978903 30.08.1962 Addmaster (P) Corporation : Calculating machine [6.12%]
  • Patent:GB982722 10.02.1965 Plaut, Michael (P) Nat Res Dev : Adding machine [11.20%]
  • Patent:GB996747 30.06.1965 Sud Aviation : Electrical calculating apparatus for dividing or multiplying any number by a given factor [15.06%]

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