Poleni, Giovanni
(* 23. August 1685 in Venezia, Italien, † 15. November 1761 in Padova)
1 Leben
- Giovanni Poleni inherited the title of marquis of the Holy Roman Empire, given by Leopold I to his father Jacopo Poleni.
- In 1709 he became professor of Astronomy and Meteorology at the University of Padua.
- In november 1710 he became fellow of Royal Society.
- In 1715 he was elected to the Berlin Academy of Science.
- In 1719 he was appointed to the chair of mathematics at Padua, which had been vacated by Nicolaus(II) Bernoulli.
- In 1738 Poleni acquired a laboratory to conduct physics experiments: his Teatro di Filosofia Sperimentale. Many of Poleni's instruments can still be seen in a Museum at Padua.
- In 1743 he get a significative contribution to consolidation of San Pietro's dome in Roma.
2 Werke
- Poleni built a computing machine based on reports about of those of Pascal and Leibniz but introducing a very innovative mechanism: the pinwheel.
When Poleni heard of another machine presented to the Emperor by Brauer, he destroyed his own and never rebuilt it. - A complete description of Poleni machine can be found in his book Miscellanea, a collection of dissertations on physics published in 1709.
2.1 Maschinen, Geräte
- A replica of Poleni machine is kept in [
Museo Nazionale della Scienza e Tecnologia] in Milano, Italien.
Photo gallery of the machine.
2.2 Patente
Wichtige Patente:
3 Literatur
- Bischoff 1804: ausführl. Beschreibung und Bild
- Brunsviga (1892-1959), Mechanische Rechenmaschinen als Welterfolg
- D'Ocagne 1905
- De Beauclair 1968
- Ganzhorn 1975
- Geschichte
- Hennemann 1953
- Hitier/Toulon 1920 S. 677
- Köhncke 1972
- Lange 5/1985
- Martin 1925 S. 46
- Poleni 1709
- Soresini 1977 pages 95-104, transcript of machine's description in Miscellanea
- Trinks 1926 nur 1 Rechenmaschine, 1709, veränderliche Zähnezahl
- Willers 1952
4 Weblinks
MacTutor History of Mathematics
Mathematisches Maschinen-Museum
History of Computers
Rekonstruktion von zwei Zeichenmaschinen, Museum der Universität Brest
5 Sonstiges
- Auch: Johannes Polenus, Ioannes Polenus
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